Seventh Sunshine Blogger Award!

Waaaay back in October, Kira over at Film and TV 101 nominated me for a Sunshine Blogger Award and . . . well, I’m finally getting round to answering her questions. Thanks for the nomination, Kira!

Be sure to check out her blog or catch an episode of “Talking Stars”!

Here be the rules:

  • Post the award on your blog
  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Answer the 11 questions they set you
  • Pick another 11 bloggers (and let them know they are nominated!)
  • Set them 11 questions

So now I’ll answer Kira’s questions:

Who would play you in a movie of your life?

Edward Norton

What is your favourite sport? (to watch or play)

Hmmm, not much choice there. I’ll say golf; it’s one of the few sports where I actually understand the rules and, even though I’d be terrible, I wouldn’t mind playing a few holes.

What is your favourite movie genre?

Mysteries and thrillers. Preferably from the Silver Screen.

If blogging wasn’t a thing, what would you do instead?

I’d probably still be using the Amazon review page as my outlet. I guess I’d also be reading more.

What are your Halloween film essentials?

I don’t really take much of an interest but I’d be sure to put on a Halloween film/TV show. It was Zombieland this year.

If you were trapped on a desert island, which three celebrities would you most like to be stuck there with?

Bear Grylls (obviously for the survival expertise) and I guess Patrick Stewart and Eva Green.

Scorsese has DiCaprio, Tarantino has Jackson – which actor would you team up with if you were a director?

Patrick Stewart!

What’s the best holiday you’ve ever been on?

Again, there’s not too much to choose from but it would have to be Cyprus – amazing time!

What type of music do you like?

Mostly classic 70s/80s rock.

What is your favourite movie soundtrack?

Probably Donnie Darko. Echo and the Bunnymen, Tears For Fears, Joy Division – awesome!

What will you do if Donald Trump becomes president?

See, this is why I should have posted this earlier! Probably “get my ass to Mars”! 😉

So I will now nominate:

And my questions be these:

  1. Regarding your blog, what are you most proud of?
  2. Which book have you read the most times? And why?
  3. What is your favourite thing to cook? (Or eat, if you don’t cook!)
  4. Cinema or Netflix?
  5. Which country/town/city/village, have you always wanted to visit?
  6. Which moment in your life has made you laugh the hardest?
  7. Trump will be president. Thoughts?
  8. Who would you most like to meet under the mistletoe this Christmas?
  9. What’s your favourite Christmas song?
  10. Who let the dogs out?
  11. And finally, a favourite: Which five celebrities would you like to invite to a dinner party?

Thanks again to Kira, thanks for reading and answering and have a great Christmas!

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